CEO Standards$111

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CEO Standards: Leading from Power, Vision and Certainty
Have you ever felt like something is missing? Like if you only had the right strategy, tactic, or training your business would go to the next level? 

The truth is that outside factors are not holding you back from scaling, but your internal wiring might be.

To lead YOUR business, achieve YOUR vision, and generate results at the level you want, you have to learn how to lead from your own power and generate your own certainty. It’s time to BE THE CEO.

The first step in becoming a CEO is to set your CEO Standards and then run your life based on those standards. Get my help inside CEO Standards, a course where I walk you through a proprietary set of exercises and processes over the course of 3 Trainings.

Lesson 1: Unapologetic 
Discover how to shift from seeking external validation to trusting yourself as a CEO. Understand the power of being authentically you, charting your unique path, and confidently making decisions that reflect your true vision.

Lesson 2: Unstoppable
Unlock your full leadership potential in this lesson as you transition from being a follower to becoming a visionary leader. Explore the art of innovation, defining your purpose, and forging new paths rather than relying solely on what has worked before.

Lesson 3: Unshakable
Find out what it takes to be resilient in the face of challenges or change during the entrepreneurship journey. Gain the tools to maintain certainty, persevere, and adapt as you stay committed to your vision.

Here’s What’s Included: 
  • Activating Audio Reflection and Journaling Exercise
  • On-Demand Access to the Welcome Module + 3 Recorded Trainings via a private portal.
  • Implementation via targeted assignments.

Become a confident CEO and prepare for massive expansion!
  • Total payment
  • 1xCEO Standards$111

All prices in USD
