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Power Positioning$333


*There are no refunds. For all programs and workshops, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless of if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided.

Power Positioning

How to Identify and Own Your Unshakable Expertise

Every time you see someone else who is successful and think the answer to selling more is being more like them, you give away your power.

The answer to more clients and more income, in a way that feels natural and effortless, is to become known for your unshakable expertise. But identifying exactly what that is… has been tricky (until now) because you’ve assumed that what comes easy to you must come easy to everyone and you’ve devalued and deemphasized it.

Inside Power Positioning, I will help you uniquely and powerfully position your work so you can stand out and scale with more ease.

If you want to: 

  • Uncover your brilliance and carve out your unique space in the market 
  • Show up authentically and unapologetically convicted in your marketing so that you attract best fit clients effortlessly 
  • Do only the work that lights you up so that you feel more fulfilled as you fill up your bank account 

 …Power Positioning is for you.

Power Positioning includes: 

  • 3 Live Trainings
  • Q&A to answer your questions about identifying and owning your unshakable expertise
  • Community to connect and share as you implement
  • Lifetime access to all content

It is included in The Unshakable Company Incubator.

  • Total payment
  • 1xPower Positioning$333

All prices in USD
