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Profitable Teams$1497


*There are no refunds. For all programs and workshops, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless of if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided.

Profitable Teams

Unlock the Secrets to a Team that makes you money (without adding more to your plate)

You’re doing well in your business right now, generating $20k, $40k, $60k months, but you feel like you’re capped. You have ideas on how to scale your business, but you don’t have time to implement them.

And you want to delegate more, but you don’t know how without sacrificing quality or results.

Your team should boost your bottom line, not burden it.

Your team can be your biggest asset to drive revenue. But this only happens when you learn how to delegate results instead of tasks, and give your team the opportunity and accountability to deliver their best.

This isn’t about having a large team, it’s about having a high-performing one. And your team’s performance can shift fast when you implement my approach to team management.

This is for you if:

  • You want to know exactly how to scale from 6 to 7 figures with a high-performing team that not only supports you, but drives revenue.
  • You know every dollar made and client served doesn’t have to be dependent on you and you’re ready to let go and create the space and freedom for you to be in the role you’re meant to be in.
  • You want to know how to translate your business vision into goals your team can own and deliver on with ease.
  • You want to know how to monitor progress and support your team without micromanaging.
  • You want to know how to turn things around fast when your team isn’t hitting their goals and how to motivate your team to achieve even more when they are killing it.

Inside Profitable Teams, I’ll show you how to get the best from your team so that your profit climbs, you finally get out of the weeds and you have the capacity to focus on your next level of success in business.

Join now and get:

  • Access to my exclusive frameworks to learn how to get the best from your team (without micromanaging) via a welcome call module and on-demand training modules 
  • 3 Q&A modules
  • Community
  • Lifetime Access to Replays

  • Total payment
  • 1xProfitable Teams$1497

All prices in USD
